

As lived in many hacker and makerspaces around the globe today, our core principle is “Be excellent”. This includes being excellent to each other and being excellent to our environment.

Our CoC will most likely be based on (or a copy of) the MCH Code of Conduct. We want to make WWW an enjoyable event for all of us.

This section contains 'rules' that are more or less stating the obvious (but might avoid misunderstandings and confusion).

  • No open fire, no exceptions. The area is usually really dry and a fire would be fatal. Camping stoves are to be used at the kitchen facilities only! We would love to do a bonfire, it is just not feasible in this location.
  • Loud music is not desirable because of the proximity to the nature reserve, especially during the night hours.
  • Please be mindful of the vineyard. Do not tamper with the irrigation system, hide stuff in the vineyard, or ride bikes between the vines. The family running the vineyard depends on these for a living, so please be respectful that we get the chance to use their premises.
  • statutes.txt
  • Last modified: 20 months ago