Vineyard quirks

The you have been warned section…

A vineyard is nature. And the winemakers are dependent on the vineyard.

When is it raining? When is it hot? The danger of forest fires? When are the plants blooming? Fertilization? Irrigation? Don't forget crop protection… - there are a lot of factors and many of which are hard to predict.

What impact does all of this have on the event? How does it affect you as a participant?

The terrain from the community to the camping area is quite steep and consists of soil. In case of heavy rain, you will probably need to take a longer way up and down.

Limited pathways for driving
We are happy to host campervans on top of the hill. At the same time, this is our escape route. The width of this pathway is about two cars wide; we can not have structures built in front of camper vans. Light chairs and stuff that can easily be relocated are fine, though.

Crop protection
The vineyard is one of the few that exclusively produces organic wines. There are rare cases where natural crop protection (e.g. sulfur) is used. While there is no danger for humans in how it is delivered, but we might need to relocate campervans, tents and other structures for the tractor to be able to drive through the vines. In agreement with the winery, we will keep the nuisance to a minimum. There is only a very small likelihood this needs to happen, but we want to be transparent about it.

For a remote location in nature, we are blessed to have electricity and an existing radio link to the farm. But we do not have a drinking water or sewer connection. We will have access to 3000L of fresh water, but this supply can not be quickly restocked. Toilets are easy to fix, but showers are not - please check the facilities we provide before arrival to ensure you are comfortable.